We perform measurements of dielectric properties (electrical conductivity and permittivity) in frequency range from 4 MHz to 3 GHz with Dielectric Assesment Kit (DAK) from company SPEAG (Switzerland) with probe DAK12. DAK is suitable for measurement of dielectric properties of biological tissues or their phantoms.
Furthermore, we own a probe for measurement of dielectric properties of low loss liquides in frequency range from 10 MHz to 3 GHz. The probe is equiped with heat exchanger and it is therefore possible to change temperature of the measured samples in range from 10 to 70 °C [1, 2]. The in-house developed procedures are used to create temperature and frequency dependent mathematical models of dielectric properties of the measured liquids.
Measured data is delivered in the form of a measurement protocol and is supplemented by information about measurement uncertainty.
For more detials about the second probe please see
[1] Vrba, J., Vrba, D., “Temperature and Frequency Dependent Empirical Models of Dielectric Properties of Sunflower and Olive Oil ,” Radioengineering, Volume 22, Number 4, 2013.
[2] Vrba, J., “Coaxial Reflection Probe for Measurements of Temperature and Frequency Dependent Dielectric-properties of Low-loss Liquids“ in Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), pp. 1091 – 1094, August 12-15, Stockholm, 2013.